Fangsong Searsha

RP Character // FFXIV // Crystal Data Center
Rava Viera \ She/Her
Club Owner // Mercenary // Viper


– ––– the basics ––– –
GENDER: Female [She/Her]
– ––– physical appearance ––– –
HAIR: Black| Earthy Green Tips | Undercut Rainmaker
EYES: Serpent Green | Expressive
HEIGHT: 6’05”
BUILD: Lean | Athletic
• Fluffy ears tipped with green.
• Vibrant green lip stain.
• Long, sharply manicured nails.
• Tattoos that are only visible under certain lighting conditions.
– ––– personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Club Owner/Former Scout/Assassin
HOBBIES: Dancing/Sparring, Stargazing, Gambling, Free Running, Reading
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Dark Wit, Clever, Devoted, Haunted, Independent, Guarded
BIRTHPLACE: “The Jungle”
RELIGION: Lip Service to the Twelve / Private Practices
RELATIONSHIPS: Former member of The Iron Legion (Graveyard Company) / Siegwulf Dazkar [Friend] / Shinobi contacts [Open to more specific connections]

RP Info and Hooks

The Jungle, Baby

Searsha regards most people she meets as “outsiders” despite the fact that she had left the Jungle and the Green Word behind many years ago. As such, she very rarely discusses her forest-rooted heritage, and instead starts her storied past in Othard or Kugane (audience dependent). However, for as guarded as her history is, there are still likely some Rava who may know her or would at least know of her mother and sister. Agamede and Ourania (mother and sister respectively) were skilled historians and healers, known even beyond their village and temple. Searsha (Forest Name: Helonia) was little more than their dangerous shadow, a young woman regarded as ‘feral’ and ‘predatory.’ There is also a rumor that Searsha had once died in an accident but was revived by her sister. This made Ourania a healer of legend but left some uncomfortable with Searsha’s condition.
Perhaps your character met Searsha while they were seeking aid from Agamede or Ourania. If your character is a Rava wood-warder, perhaps they became the target of the young woman’s infatuation. Searsha left the forest not long after reaching puberty, when she was refused her request to become a wood-warder.

Embracing the Fangsong

After leaving the Jungle, Searsha found herself in Yanxia. When she traveled through villages, she was often seen as a child by the locals, despite being just into adulthood by duty and cultural standards. It was to her benefit, though, that the outsiders regarded her as young but capable, because this introduced her to a world of warriors that were trained from childhood to defend their home and people. The shinobi may not have been wood-warders, but the path became her new obsession. She was called ‘Fangsong’ by her peers and mentors after failing to come up with a new proper name, and it was all she knew for several years. Upon moving to Kugane, though, she chose the name Searsha when she adopted the persona of a night life enthusiast and city business owner.
If your character is a shinobi, it is possible that they trained with Searsha in the past. The village of her origin is currently undetermined for ease of making connections with others if there is interest. Characters who have a Yanxia or Othard background, in general, may also recognize Searsha since she wandered for a couple of years before settling into her training. Perhaps your character recognizes her from Kugane, though, where she has owned a tea room and a club on different occasions.

A Taste of Betrayal

Less than half a decade ago, Searsha was approached by a charismatic Highlander by the name of Thorne and was enticed with the promise of coin to expand her enterprise. She joined his mercenary band, called the “Iron Legion” and dedicated herself to Thorne’s vision and the coin that it produced. However, for reasons still unknown to Searsha, Thorne and his closest allies betrayed their company by leading them into a bloody ambush in the Thanalan desert. Siegwulf Dazkar took the lead of the survivors and led them to Ul’dah. He established a new company, The Graveyard Company, and fueled by spite and rage, built the group up again. Unfortunately, Searsha retreated from that calling and returned to Kugane to lick her wounds and seek counsel.
Searsha had to recover in Ul’dah before she could travel again, and sought the care of healers in the city, so perhaps your character helped nurse the wounded Viera back to good health. She’d have been a memorable patient, as she often spoke of what it was like to die and return, and it was hard to tell if she was delirious or just exaggerating. Additionally, it is possible that your character had once hired the Iron Legion for mercenary work, or worked alongside them, and met her that way. Or, your character is someone who has given her counsel in Kugane.

Viper's Nest

Searsha recently opened a club in Empyreum, called Viper’s Nest, so that she would have a foothold in the western portion of the continent. She is there frequently, often either dancing or sparring in “the nest” or visiting with patrons around the bar or in the VIP section. Most would probably recognize her by presence alone, but some may also know that she is once more taking a special sort of work from those in need. Upon realizing that some Imperial war criminals have posed as displaced Garlean refugees in attempts to establish a new life elsewhere, Searsha has started to take on espionage and assassination jobs for those who seek justice or vengeance against the criminals. She could be convinced to take other work, but this is the service that would be tentatively and cautiously advertised to those who express appropriate desires.

Viper's Nest

Balmung/ Empyreum / Ward 30 / Plot 9

Viper’s Nest is a specialized bar and dance club located close to the entrance of the ward. The exterior is concealed by weeping wisteria that seems to remain magically in bloom year-round despite the cool climate. The ground floor bar thrums with music from below and offers a dark and intimate atmosphere for meeting or making friends. The bar serves specialty cocktails that have virgin options, shots, and a rotating menu of ales and wines. At the bottom of the stairs, space has been set aside for an Eorzean hunt and job broker. This feature of the club allows the doors to be open day and night, as patrons can claim jobs and turn in proof of completion with the clerk. “The Nest” is a sturdy floor surrounded by a railed walkway and serves as a dance floor most nights, but doubles as a sparring ring occasionally as well. When in use for sparring, there is a medic on standby for any slip ups. Finally, the VIP section is a raised platform with cozy seating on either side of a dance stage. Bottle and bar service is delivered to patrons by dedicated staff members.

OoC Information

Viper's Nest is open to the public for rp but it is not a player-operated venue and there are no plans to host formal events at this time. The housing NPCs positioned around the house are meant to act as employees to add to the atmosphere and if I am online, I am happy to have Searsha drop in if people are interested in making contact with her while they visit the venue.

OoC Information

† Although Searsha isn’t evil, she is a character that I have chosen to explore through dark themes and genre-appropriate violence.
† Some of the things that may come up in rp with Searsha include: themes often associated with fantasy-type assassins, veiled speech, innuendo, and omission of truth, mild body horror, brief mentions of arachnids or reptiles, the tragic loss of one's home, and death. If any of these themes, or things related to them, are triggering for you, it may be best to avoid long-term stories with Searsha, but I am willing to make accommodations for short stories or scenes. Also, feel free to ask about other characters I write.
† I am over 30 years old and prefer to write (at least long-term) characters like Searsha with writers who are at least over 18 due to the aforementioned themes.